Ahavas Sholom – an Historic Landmark and Sacred Space

Newark's Last Remaining Synagogue born of the Great European Migration at the turn of the 20th Century

145 Broadway, Newark, NJ 07104
Phone: 973-485-2609 | Email: cahavassholom@optimum.net


Sunday, August 15, 2021, beginning at 7 pm 

Introduction to Judaism

This class will last as least 24 successive  Sundays. 

It is open  to everyone.

Prospective converts need to attend every class.

Everyone else can drop in when they want. 

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83179956276?pwd=S3JIK1ViSXN1NGNiTUdyOCtjeXNpQT09
Meeting ID: 83179956276
Passcode: 493397

You can also sign onto Zoom by phone 
Phone Number: 1-646-876-9923

Meeting ID: 83179956276
Passcode: 493397

If you have any problems signing onto Zoom for services call Jeff at 973-207-3095 or Simon at 908-591-4037.
