145 Broadway, Newark, NJ 07104
Phone: 973-485-2609 | Email: cahavassholom@optimum.net
Join us on March 12, 2022 as we return to in-person services at Ahavas Sholom, 145 Broadway in Newark.
Pre-Registration with Covid-19 Protocols will be followed.
All in-person attendees will be required to pre-register and certify that they have been fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19.
Respond individually to (ahavassholomnewarkservices@gmail.com) for each member of your family.
Provide their…
Email Address:
…and take a picture or scan of their vaccine card and attach it to the responding email.
To continue to maximize safety for all of us, in-person attendance will be limited to 50 people.
Each week, in the weeks following your pre-registration, please email us at (ahavassholomnewarkservices@gmail.com) to register to attend a specific day’s service, and we will let you know when we have reached our 50-person maximum.
On Saturday, March 12th, and every Shabbat and holiday thereafter, a greeter, who will have a list of all of those who registered to attend that day’s service, will welcome attendees.
Only those who are on the list, for that Shabbat or holiday, will be allowed entry.
Once you are inside, masks will be required at all times, as well as proper social distancing.
If you do not meet the above requirements, or otherwise choose to participate in services remotely, please join us on Zoom.
Ahavas Sholom’s priority is to ensure the health and safety of ALL of us!
Therefore, our entry protocols are subject to change based on additional mandates, which might be imposed in the future.
If you are attending in person services, please bring your prayer books with you!
If you have any questions call Eric at 201.988.3799.