145 Broadway, Newark, NJ 07104
Phone: 973-485-2609 | Email: cahavassholom@optimum.net
From Newark to Namutumba…Sister Synagogues!
As we enter our year 5776, we celebrate our new Sister Synagogue relationship with the Abayudaya Jewish community in Namutumba, Uganda. Inspired by visits from the young rabbi and educator who lead their community, we have established the Klal Yisroel Uganda Fund.
Our Board has allocated $840 to cover the annual salary of one teacher. Will you contribute toward adopting additional teacher’s? Will you help establish person to person connections between Newark and Namutumba?
Tikkun Olam Nursery and Primary School Faculty and Staff
Yoash Mayende, 24, founder and director, B.A. Uganda Christian University
Isaac Kiiza, 25, headmaster, advanced certificate in education
Zalwango Annet, 30, deputy headmaster and 4th grade teacher
Kabweru Yonah, 28, bursar and English teacher, B.A. Public Administration
Mutima Najib, 21, 1st grade teacher, Moslem
Allan Muyind, 23, 5th grade teacher, Karilo Primary Teachers College
Abaga Sarah Sabniye, 30, certificate in early child education
Christopher Wangobe, experienced science teacher, Christian
Alison Martha, 20, kindergarten teacher
Kirabila Dinah, 20, 1st grade teacher
For More Information: Call Eric P. Freedman, President of Congregation Ahavas Sholom
201-988-3799 or ericfreedman@gmail.com
Tax-deductible contribution may be sent to: Congregation Ahavas Sholom
Atten: Klal Yisroel Uganda Fund
145 Broadway, Newark, NJ 07104