145 Broadway, Newark, NJ 07104
Phone: 973-485-2609 | Email: cahavassholom@optimum.net
Join us for our next organizing session, as Reverend Louise Scott-Rountree, Director of the Newark Clergy Affairs & Interfaith Alliance – and freshly minted Newark At-Large Councilwoman, discusses “The Power of Interfaith Work” with a panel of interfaith leaders.
The interfaith work of Rev. Rountree and her colleagues demonstrates how the moral authority and influence of the faith community is necessary for widespread social and political change.
We will learn ways in which houses of worship can come together to affect real change and how to create “synergies” within the faith-based community to develop reparative programs and solutions here in Newark.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Zoom Link: https://NewarkNJ.zoom.us/j/87598775952?pwd=ejF1bms4ZW4wM1F5S2RZdUxNV2VnQT09
Meeting ID: 875 9877 5952
Passcode: 192093
You can also sign onto Zoom by phone
Phone Number: 1-646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 875 9877 5952
Passcode: 192093
If you have any questions, call Eric at 201-988-3799.
If you have any problems signing onto Zoom for services, call Jeff at 973-207-3095.